Tigerlily Foundation

Tigerlily Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to educating, advocating for, empowering and providing hands-on support to young women, before, during and after breast cancer. For more information visit: tigerlilyfoundation.org.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Telling Your Story....The Bigger Picture

A friend called me and asked me to talk to the mother of a newly diagnosed young woman.  Noelle was finishing up her homework and I was about to shut down for the night.  I told her that I would make the call, then we'd have our mommy and me time. I got up to walk away, but she said, "you can talk here Mommy." So, I sat back down and made the call. 

When I got off the phone, she came closer to me and said, "Mommy, don't you get tired telling that story? People ask you to tell it all the time and it's the same story every time..." I looked at her and thought about it for a moment, then I told her. "Well, it's not really my story anymore. This is the same story that many other women tell and for me, every time I tell mine, it's like sharing a piece of me, so that the person knows better, feels better and does better. Whenever I tell my story, if it gives someone hope, the feeling of comfort, love and makes people think and do something, then I have to keep telling it. Sometimes, Noelle, our story doesn't really just belong to us. It's for a bigger purpose. God just makes us the vehicle through which the story is told."  She looked at me and sat in silence as she digested it all for a few minutes.  I thought to myself, "she must think I'm freaking crazy." Then she said, "what do you mean vehicle?" I explained. After a long pause, she says, "okay, I get it." I have the feeling that's not the end of that conversation, but the beginning of many more.

What I wanted her to understand was that sharing one's story isn't always just what it appears to be at first glance.  It's more about offering up a part of yourself so that you create a commonality that enables the other person to listen, open up or be inspired.  It can be about connecting with someone else on a deeper level, letting them know and feel that you are with them, on their journey because you have walked in their shoes and that they are not alone. When you open your heart to someone, especially someone going through a challenging time, something beautiful happens between the receiver and the giver.  That thing can be inspiration or hope.  Too often, we keep our stories, "our golden nuggets" to ourselves. We think that someone might judge us, feel sorry for us, think differently about us or not understand.  Often times, sharing is like extending a hand and allows others to feel that you two are similar in more ways than you knew.

Today, I'd like to share "Tanya's" story, in the hopes that it might inspire someone to make life changes, share important breast health information with a young woman they love, donate or give their time to support our worthy cause. 

This past week, we got a letter from a young woman Tigerlily Foundation has been supporting over the past two years.  She said, "The past two years I've been receiving help from Tigerlily Foundation in the form of bill payments, [payments for] treatment expenses, and travel expenses to and from my chemotherapy appointments.   Truly angels from above.  I'm 36 years old with Stage 4 breast cancer.  It started in May 2007 & metastasized to my brain,  spine, ribs, hips and now I've lived 6 years... longer than they expected me to.  ... the chemotherapy I took to hopefully kill breast cancer has now  caused therapy related leukemia.  I need help now...more than ever  before.  

We are thankful that Tanya reached out to us and plan to support her all the way.  I hope that you'll realize that Tanya's story is similar to what many young women go through... Tigerlily Foundation is here to give them vital support - thanks to the hard work of our team, generous sponsors, donors, volunteers and community.   It takes a small army to make this all possible.  I hope you join us in making a difference....


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