Tigerlily Foundation

Tigerlily Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to educating, advocating for, empowering and providing hands-on support to young women, before, during and after breast cancer. For more information visit: tigerlilyfoundation.org.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Name is Mica - Why I Chose to Pink 365 with Tigerlily

Hi, my name is Mica Soto.
Two and a half years ago, just like any other ordinary day, I sat down at my computer and opened up my Facebook page. I noticed in my notifications that I had received an invitation to one of Tigerlily's events. Tigerlily? Who's that and what are they about? I looked up the organization online and I was immediately drawn to the foundation. Without hesitation, I purchased my ticket and was welcomed into the Tigerlily family with open arms.
I truly believe that it was no coincidence that I learned about Tigerlily. Some of the most amazing women in my life have fought...and won the battle against breast cancer. My Great Grandma Gene, my Grandma Grey, my Auntie Kim (she was diagnosed in her 30's) and Ms. Debbie, my daughter's childhood daycare provider whom I have so much admiration and respect for. My dear friend, Kristin, shared her story during Tigerlily's event about her mother's fight with breast cancer. Unfortunately, it was a battle that she lost. There wasn't a dry eye in the room after hearing her testimony. It was a truly inspiriting evening. 

Maimah's spirit and true dedication to the support of women with breast cancer and their families have inspired me and so many others to raise awareness, empower women undergoing treatment and encourage our community to take an active stance. Last year, I was able to transition careers and with insipiration from amazing women, such as my mom, my six-year old daughter, Carter, and the fearless Maimah Karmo, I had finally mustered up the courage to begin my own non-profit to support other local non-profits by providing dessert donations. My daughter and I made our first dessert donation to Tigerlily's buddy bag program last week and we couldn't be more thrilled! Much love to the Tigerlily Family for their unwavering support and commitment. God bless your endeavors and hard work.

Mica Soto
President, Sweets By Sassy
Vice President, IAM Energy, Inc.


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