Tigerlily Foundation

Tigerlily Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to educating, advocating for, empowering and providing hands-on support to young women, before, during and after breast cancer. For more information visit: tigerlilyfoundation.org.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Amazing Twists and Turns

Hi there,Did you miss me? It has been an amazing few weeks for me... being able to spread the message of breast cancer via Essence Magazine and Good Morning America. A year ago, I was in a totally different place in my life and today, I can use the challenge of my experience to help others.I think I finally get it, what life's about. It really is about you just being present with yourself and doing what you are supposed to do in the world. It is about being true to you and designing a way of approaching life that allows the best you to come about. And I know I have said it a million times, but it is about loving you...first.I sat on "the sofa" at Good Morning America on Wednesday and wondered, "what the heck am I doing here?" "How in world did I get here?" "Did they get me confused with someone else?" The only thing I can think of that gets us to that place of living fully, is when we live with passion. I think that each of us has something he/she was born to do, and it can be big or small, "noteworthy" in worldly terms or beautifully simple. Some people live their lives and complete their mission without much ado or fuss, but you can see it in the way they tilt their head, in the way they smile, and in the peace they have around them, that they are living a life of passion.

I want that for you...all of you...those who are touched by cancer and those who are not, because only when we find and live our true purpose, does our spirit fill with joy and passion. It is only when we are being authentic with who we are on the outside and within...the spirit and the actions align.

I'm not saying that I've gotten where to go, but I think I have more of an idea than I used to, and that feels good to me. It makes me smile. I look forward to all of the learning that will occur in my lifetime, moreso because it is an amazing thing, watching myself and others blossom, unfold and rise up in the world, claiming our space and saying, "Here I am, I am bold. I am wonderful. I am me". Perhaps I am getting a bit esoteric here, but you get my drift...think about it...what are you doing with your life? Are you doing that thing? If not, then you should be. There is no time like the present to begin.



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