Tigerlily Foundation

Tigerlily Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to educating, advocating for, empowering and providing hands-on support to young women, before, during and after breast cancer. For more information visit: tigerlilyfoundation.org.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What To Do

One of the things that I find most interesting as I get more involved as a breast cancer advocate is that there is so much to do and so many people to touch. I talk to a lot of people who are newly diagnosed and one of the things that is readily apparent to me is that even those people who think they are educated about breast cancer and do participate don’t know very much.
It seems to me that that lack of knowledge creates a sense of fear about the disease, which in turn paralyzes the many women who afraid to go to the doctor to get mammograms, or who find that they have breast cancer and don’t do anything about it. It can be scary, but the more you know about something, the better position you’re in to deal with it.
So, with all the information out there, how come more people don’t know about breast cancer and its impact? I think that for one, most people aren’t really interested in something until it touches them. Also, for all the information that is out there, perhaps the races and walks, and donations have become something social to do, that impresses others. I will admit, I am guilty of it too. I participated in the walks and gave money, but I didn’t really hear what these breast cancer women were talking about until I was impacted. That is why I think it is so important that we all use our voice. And you might think to yourself, well, who the heck am I to do something; or what can I do to make an impact? Well, the first thing you can do is be interested enough to ask questions or to “show up”. That means when you are at an event for breast cancer, when you go, ask questions and really learn about what is going on. Or, when you go for your annual physical, pick up a brochure or two. Another way to get involved is to just give the gift of your time to the cause.
Join a group that provides support to people affected, offer to help by stuffing envelopes, attending meetings, finding sponsorships, or just tithing your time for a cause that will benefit others, and you as well. I find that giving of myself is incredibly rewarding and provides benefits that are unmatched. The feeling of helping another person and connecting with them, helping them become more informed and becoming better citizens of the world is a gift in itself…give that gift to yourself. :O)



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